Each diet is individually calculated and designed around your nutritional goals. Diet plans are scientifically calculated based on current scientific formulas and are nutritionally balanced. You can choose a diet plan based on your individual needs.
Diet plan options
With each diet plan option, you will receive disease-specific diet education which will include its own specific dietary requirements, a description of the symptoms of the condition and foods that are permitted or should be avoided.
Food guidelines
Dietary educational information to help you make changes towards improving your specific condition such as high cholesterol, Low/high blood pressure, diabetes and many more..
Meal plans
Portion sizes and food choices are pre calculated for you and presented in an easy to follow format.
Cycle menus
A seven day menu customised to your tastes and nutritional goals.
DNA Analysis
Discover the coding of your genetics
From a cheek swab, sample DNA test genes that govern your weight and health are identified.
I am a accredited practitioner for DNA Analysis.
Tests offered
DNA Diet
DNA Health
DNA Estrogen
DNA Sport

Vitality Nutrition Assessment
Discovery acknowledges the critical role that Registered Dieticians play in implementing nutrition changes.
The Vitality Nutrition Assessment will include height, weight and waist circumference measurements.
The assessment forms part of a dietician consultation.
Vitality members can earn 1000 Vitality points for seeing a dietician every year.